
Insight into LBPC XP
Group Ranking
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Level User Name Points Activity Reputation All Points for user All Points for threads All Points for posts Miscellaneous
100 RockSauron 118,004 0% 9186 54,108 55,437 8,934 980
45 RangerZero 21,807 0% 1665 11,595 5,585 4,126 500
88 Taffey 81,779 0% 14982 54,702 20,646 6,105 825
78 rtm223 64,735 0% 12230 33,956 16,058 8,951 6,968
88 comphermc 80,225 0% 11228 36,968 36,597 7,835 1,979
81 OmegaSlayer 69,664 0% 10076 45,604 16,512 6,837 910
53 Whalio Cappuccino 30,124 0% 2154 17,370 6,825 4,829 0
63 xkappax 42,823 0% 4321 30,265 8,204 6,254 600
45 Teebonesy 22,202 0% 2381 13,728 6,150 2,531 250
64 CyberSora 43,271 0% 9627 26,908 14,904 4,473 60
63 ConverseFox 42,426 0% 2715 33,819 5,710 2,341 554
37 shadow3596 15,048 0% 1356 10,875 2,044 1,709 420
7 Wigriff 826 0% 122 497 211 118 0
100 Lady_Luck__777 119,709 0% 15770 60,333 48,040 10,149 1,185
91 Morgana25 86,597 0% 10793 50,445 24,074 9,676 2,795
51 DrunkMiffy 28,616 0% 137 13,906 11,942 2,713 55
42 Yarbone 19,719 0% 406 12,971 2,555 2,270 1,923
49 Code1337 25,677 0% 258 15,180 6,936 2,775 785
43 OCK 20,681 0% 1413 13,338 5,325 1,518 500
52 Boomy 29,646 0% 929 20,257 6,185 2,624 579
37 Astrosimi 15,066 0% 1332 13,787 1,403 1,720 555
43 Thegide 20,467 0% 1704 11,643 6,541 1,705 578
50 GruntosUK 27,040 0% 2275 17,736 11,547 4,556 500
63 Kog 41,793 0% 2369 17,524 20,417 2,099 1,522
50 dawesbr 26,684 0% 482 9,505 6,354 3,298 350
45 MrsSpookyBuz 22,108 0% 1540 13,516 5,737 1,787 477
81 warlord_evil 68,361 0% 8353 40,844 24,373 5,344 550
77 Silverleon 62,842 0% 6425 42,782 12,663 6,821 575
33 Jagrevi 12,047 0% 741 8,527 2,372 1,147 0
27 PSN:AAM2730 8,672 0% 28 7,621 777 133 0