
Insight into LBPC XP
Group Ranking
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Level User Name Points Activity Reputation All Points for user All Points for threads All Points for posts Miscellaneous
100 CuriousSack 108,302 0% 13940 94,672 7,215 3,583 2,831
99 biorogue 101,603 0% 24878 84,363 7,082 8,094 2,063
100 jwwphotos 110,405 71.0% 26049 69,417 23,774 13,372 2,960
100 Lady_Luck__777 119,709 0% 15770 60,333 48,040 10,149 1,185
79 shropshirelass 65,496 0% 9048 54,730 5,315 4,400 500
88 Taffey 81,779 0% 14982 54,702 20,646 6,105 825
100 RockSauron 118,004 0% 9186 54,108 55,437 8,934 980
91 Morgana25 86,597 0% 10793 50,445 24,074 9,676 2,795
75 Dragonvarsity 59,800 99.9% 4282 49,301 5,140 3,243 2,115
96 ARD 96,648 0% 3845 48,729 42,025 6,510 2,909
70 fireblitz95 51,813 0% 10034 48,687 1,596 1,509 20
80 Doopz 66,562 0% 5312 46,505 15,205 4,282 570
70 avundcv 51,604 0% 10896 46,330 3,019 2,168 86
81 OmegaSlayer 69,664 0% 10076 45,604 16,512 6,837 910
73 Alec 56,122 0% 4803 45,347 6,561 3,601 613
69 yugnar 50,212 0% 3420 42,786 5,390 1,939 96
77 Silverleon 62,842 0% 6425 42,782 12,663 6,821 575
81 Rabid-Coot 68,151 28.0% 8861 41,922 18,794 6,311 1,124
81 warlord_evil 68,361 0% 8353 40,844 24,373 5,344 550
69 Outlaw-Jack 50,697 0% 4329 40,227 6,074 2,850 1,650
68 WESFUN 49,327 0% 2016 39,345 7,582 1,760 639
71 Shadowcrazy 53,748 0% 2647 39,280 9,849 4,119 500
64 Hanfi1311 43,603 0% 3796 39,215 3,262 852 273
67 napero7 47,418 0% 2333 39,207 3,618 1,608 2,984
63 Matt 82 41,832 0% 416 38,041 1,407 1,383 1,000
66 Takelow 46,683 0% 648 38,010 6,638 972 1,062
67 rialrees 47,933 0% 7920 37,926 6,421 2,894 691
100 ConfusedCartman 153,437 0% 12564 37,762 111,981 4,484 2,164
61 GuyWithNoEyes 40,279 0% 73 37,747 1,766 766 0
66 Domik12 46,329 0% 2147 37,643 7,734 952 0